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Metal Gear Survive

                                                                                                                                                                      Metal Gear Survive is the combination of incredibly popular series and loveable characters. It is a spin-off production, which bases on previous parts, giving us the alternative course of history. The newest edition will bring us some novelties that some Metal Gear players have not experienced. It will be a survival type of game that bases on tactical stealth game, so the things that distinguishes the series. But additionally, it will also be set in science-fiction realities. Click Metal Gear Survive Download cracked and check what producers from Konami Studio have prepared for us.The most innovations in the game can be found in storyline. It oscilates around Mother Base, the base that is perfectly familiar to the players from previous instalments. In Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, the title issued for PSP, the goal of the player was to create this base. It is invaded by powerful forces of XOF, secret organization that is the CIA’s armed forces. After intense fights, the base is destroyed. However, it is not entirely destroyed. There are some drilling platforms and soldiers that survived the fights. In this moment; however, weird things start to happen we just can’t explain. As a result, the base remains together with soldiers are moved to another dimension. This is where we will be playing. The land that hasn’t been specified totally is filled with various monsters and zombies we are going to face with the organization Militaires Sans Frontieres. Just enter in the browser Metal Gear Survive Download codex and feel how it is to fight with the undead.Metal Gear Survive is the kind of obeisance towards last trends that dominate the world of computer games. After the huge success of such TV series as The Walking Dead or games like Dead Island, zombie theme became very popular. A lot of gigantic video titles began to base on additional missions that focus on killing hordes of undead. Great example can be Call of Duty and its zombie mode. Therefore, Metal Gear Survive connects the effects of last trends, giving us zombie theme, as well as survival elements.
The innovation has also influenced the gameplay mechanics and the way the fight is conducted. It is true that we will find here things that are characteristics for the series, namely stealth model of gameplay, tactical avoidance of the enemies or cameras, and survival elements. But except for that we can also hope for something the players haven’t experienced, which is fighting system made in cooperation mode. In the latest instalment, the player can cooperate with the team that composes maximum 4 people.

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